Poem on CORRUPTION that Everyone should not miss to read

Corruption- A Massive Threat: Corruption roots destruction, It has ruptured the bridges, And swallowed away roads. Corruption the devil, Has fired away forest, And has grown bulls stronger than trains. Corruption brings disaster, It has snatched away jobs, And had dried the poor's happiness. Corruption is the demon, That has shaken the economy, And stolen many lives. Corruption is the damager, That has poisoned the air, And polluted the water. Corruption the destroyer, Has sunk many countries in stress, It's a massive threat to the world. Corruption is a disease, That hunts not only the weak, But, indirectly kills the corrupter also. (Poem by Anitha) For more interesting content, do support and follow our blog. Don't forget to share your suggestions and thoughts as comments. Do share and support the post if you like.