Riddles that make you aware about the Tuberculosis Disease

 Every year, March 24 is observed as World Tuberculosis Day. This World TB Day is celebrated annually in order to create awareness among the people about the TB disease.

World Health Organization (WHO) usually declares a new theme for the world TB Day every year.

Theme for the World TB Day 2021 is "The Clock is ticking!" This theme significantly conveys that the time is running and we should end the Tuberculosis disease from the world by creating awareness about the deadly disease. 

World TB Day

Read out the Riddles with answers to become aware of the TB disease. Share the riddles with your friends also, so that, someone will also be aware of the disease. 

(1) What causes Tuberculosis commonly called as TB? _______.

(2)  TB can affect any of the parts of the human body. Which part of the body is often commonly affected by the TB disease?______.

(3) How the TB causing Bacteria spreaded from one person to the other?_______.

(4) What are the basic symptoms of TB?_______.

(5) Who named this airborne bacterial disease as Tuberculosis?________.

(6) BCG vaccination is used for the prevention of Tuberculosis disease. What is the abbreviation of BCG? ______.

(7) Who developed the BCG vaccine? _______.

(8) Albert Calmette and Calmille Guerin are the scientists from which country? ______.

(9) According to WHO, which country has the world's largest tuberculosis infection?_______.

(10) When Dr. Robert Koch declared the discovery of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis?________.


(1) Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. 

(2) Lungs.

(3) Through Air.

(4) Cough, Fever, Night sweats, Weight loss etc.

(5) Johann Schonlien.

(6) Bacillus Calamette- Guerin. 

(7) Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin. 

(8) France. 

(9) India.

(10) March 24, 1882.

Let us join hands against TB and end the disease with awareness. Share this post to create awareness about the TB disease. Don't forget to comment your opinions in the comment section below.


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