Interesting riddles that helps you to know about the Indian States

Read our Interesting riddles with amazing answers to know the specialities of the Indian StatesЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Interesting riddles about the Indian States

(1) According to the recent statistics, which state of India is honoured as the best performer in organ donation?______.

Answer: Tamilnadu.

(2) This Southern Indian state is world famous for spices. This State is also known as the Spice Garden of India. Can you find the state?_______.

Answer: Kerala.

(3) During the British rule in India, this Indian state is nicknamed as the Scotland of the east by the Britishers. Can you guess the name of the state?________.

Answer: Meghalaya.

(4) During the Mahabharat period, this state is named as Anarchant. This Indian state is the pride for the Asiatic lions. Can you guess the name of the state?_______.

Answer: Gujarat.

(5) Due to the splendid and magnificent beauty of this state, it is called as the 'Paradise of the Earth'. This state is situated in India. Can you guess the name of the state?______.

Answer: Kashmir.

(6) This Indian state is especially famous for Khajuraho temples. This state is also called as the Heart State of India. Can you guess the name of the state?______.

Answer: Madhya Pradesh.

(7) Many rallies are conducted everyday on this Indian state and hence this state is called as the City of Rallies. Can you find the state?_______.

Answer: New Delhi.

(8) Pink city of India (Jaipur) is the capital city of this Indian State. This state is also famous for many forts and it's cultural heritage. Can you find the name of the state?______.

Answer: Rajasthan.

(9) This Indian state is called as the Cultural capital of India. This state also has the nickname, 'City of Joy'. Can you guess the name of the state?_______.

Answer: Kolkata. 

(10) One of the seven wonders of the world is situated on this Indian state. Kanpur which is called as the Leather city of the world is situated in this state. Can you guess the name of the state?_______.

Answer: Uttar Pradesh.

We hope that, our riddles have given more knowledge about the speciality of Indian states. For more interesting riddles with answers, refer the label attached below. Comment your views about our riddles and share the riddles with your friends also...ЁЯШД



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