Let us Celebrate the Mother's day by knowing the History

Let everyone of us pay honour to our Mothers who spend most of their lives sacrificed for the welfare of their children. 

Let me wish, "Happy Mother's day" to all the honourable proud mothers. 

Now, on this International Mother's Day, let us know something interesting about the history of the celebration of Mother's day.

History of Mother's Day

(1) When was Mother's day celebrated for the first time in the world?_______. 


May 12, 1908.

(2) Where was the Mother's day celebrated first in the world?______.


West Virginia, United States.

(3) Who is considered as the 'Mother of Mother's day'?_______.


Ann Reeves Javis.

(4) When was International Mother's day observed the every year, globally by a wide number of countries?_______.


Second Sunday of May.

(5) Why Ann Reeves Jarvis is considered as the 'Mother of Mother's day'?________.


Ann Reeves Jarvis is the founder of International Mother's Day Work Clubs and her daughter founded the celebration of Mother's day.

(6) When was Anna Maria Jarvis born?______.


May 1, 1864.

(7) What is the name of the mother of Anna Jarvis?______.


Ann Reeves Jarvis.

(8) How Ann Reeves Jarvis celebrated the first Mother's day?______.


Jarvis held a memorial ceremony to honour her late Mother at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church, West Virginia.

(9) When did the Mother of Ann Reeves Jarvis passed away and how many years after her death, Mother's day was founded?______.


Mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis died on May 9, 1905. 3 years after her death, her daughter (Anna Maria Jarvis) introduced the celebration of Mother's day to pay honour to her late Mother on May 10, 1908. 

(10) What made Anna Maria Jarvis to introduce Mother's Day?_______.


Ann Reeves Jarvis always prayed and hoped that, someone will sometime found the day to honour the selfless service of their memorial mothers as well as  honour their living mothers.

This hope of Ann Reeves Jarvis was inspired by her daughter and later, she introduced the day to honour Mothers.

Let everyone of us respect our mothers not only on social media, but, also in the reality.

"Respect Mothers", 

No one can ever replace the infinte love of a Mother.




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