Funny riddles about the different facts related to April Fool's Day

On April 1, People used to play funny practical jokes and prank their neighbourhood, friends, family members etc. This day is sometimes also called as All Fool's Day.

April 1 is widely celebrated as April Fool's day all over the world in many countries.

Now, it is the time to know something different about the celebration of Fool's Day.

All fool's day Celebration

Riddles regarding the facts of April Fool's Day with answers ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

(1) When was the April Fool's Day first Celebrated?______.

(2) In which Country, April Fool's Day was celebrated first?______.

(3) Where April fool's day is a public holiday?______.

(4) What is the name of the famous festival which is annually celebrated in Odessa of Ukraine on the April Fool's Day?_______.

(5) In Scotland, April Fool's day is celebrated in the name of what day?_______. 

(6) April Fool's Day is celebrated as 'Day of Lie' in which country?______.

(7) Which countries consider 'April Fool' as 'April Fish'?______.

(8) Can you guess the name of the country in which people throw flour on the faces and play on the April Fool's day?_______.

(9) Which calendar change marked the origin for the April Fool's day celebration?______.

(10) What will you tell someone on the April fool's day?______.


(1) 1952.

(2) Europe.

(3) Odessa of Ukraine.

(4) Humorina.

(5) Huntigowk's Day.

(6) Brazil.

(7) Italy, France etc.

(8) Portugal.

(9) Change of calendar from Julian to Gregarion. 

(10) April FoolЁЯШВ.

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