Celebrate the World Water Day with the Valuable quotes on Water

Every year, March 22 is observed as the World Water Day all around the world. This day is celebrated to value the most essential source water and to create awareness among the people about the importance of saving water.

World water day Slogans

Every year, World water day is celebrated based on a particular theme and this year 2021, World Water Day is celebrated based on the theme 'Valuing Water'. 

Here are some of the slogans and quotations which create awareness about the importance of Water.

(1) If you love Nature, then never waste Water.

(2) Stop wasting water to brighten the nature and your future.

(3) It is impossible to save your life, if you think it is impossible to save water.

(4) Never forget the truthful fact- "Life is not possible without water."

(5) Water wasted once can never be regained. So, use it carefully when it is in your hands.

(6) Join hands together to save water if you want to gift good nature to the forthcoming generations.

(7) Water is the essential source for all living beings. Conserve water to conserve life on Earth.

(8) Wherever we stay, whatever we do, but, Water plays an essential role in everyone's routine life.

(9) Try to understand the importance of Water. Because, sixty to seventy percent of the human body itself is filled of water.

(10) Water not only has the ability to regulate our body, it also has the ability to regulate the Temperature of Earth. So,
 "Save water, Avoid Global warming, 
To Save our Earth".


We hope that, the quotes have created awareness about the importance of saving water.

"Let us start to save water to protect our worthy future."

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  1. Nice slogans.



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