Read the Riddles to know about the Celebration of May Day

We would like to pay our respect and honour to all the honourable workers on this International worker's day.

May day is observed as the public holiday in many countries of the world. International worker's day is widely observed on May 1 all over the world. This day is also called as Labour Day or May Day.

In India, this day is called as Uzhaipaazhar Dinam in Tamil, Kamgar Din in Hindi, Thozhizhaalar dinam in Malayalam,..Etc.

Celebration of May Day

 (1) In Russia, How the May Day was officially called?______.

Answer: The Day of Spring and Labor.

(2) Who sowed the seeds initially for the celebration of World Labour Day all over the world?______.

Answer: Peter. Mc Guire and Supporters of Mathhew Maguire.

(3) In India, May day was celebrated in which state initially?______.

Answer: Madras (Chennai).

(4) On May Day, which festival is observed by Romanians?______.

Answer: Armendini. (This festival marks the beginning of summer in Roman).

(5) Which party organised the celebration of May Day in Chennai?_______.

Answer: Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan.

(6) On May Day, which two Indian states celebrates their day of attaining statehood?______.

Answer: Maharashtra and Gujarat. (Maharashtrian Day and Gujaratian Day was observed on May day).

(7) On which year, India celebrated the first May day?_______.

Answer: 1923.

(8) The commemoration of which incident marks the celebration of May day in United States?______.

Answer: Haymarket tragedy.

(9) What is the Haymarket Tragedy?______.

Answer: People of U.S. protested peacefully at the Haymarket of Chicago to reduce the working hours of labours by 8 hours. Later, there was a revolt between the police and the protestors and the protest ended up killing the lives of atleast 8 labours.

(10) In India, which coloured flag was hoisted by the workers to mark the worker's day?_______.

Answer: Red Coloured flag.

We hope that, you would have come to know about the celebration of worker's day through these riddles. For reading more interesting posts, use the labels attached below.

Once again, wishing you all, "A Very Happy Worker's Day."


  1. 👍
    Happy Worker's Day

  2. It's really fantastic to know about these information..😍😍

    Happy worker's day✌️✌️✌️

  3. உழைப்பாளர் தின நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்💐👍


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