Interesting Riddles regarding the World Theatre Day

 Movies are a perfect source of entertainment which plays a major role in many of our lives. Film industries also plays a powerful role in raising the country's economy.

March 27 is celebrated as the World Theatre Day. This day was created by International Theatre Institute (ITI) and it was celebrated to promote the importance of the art forms of cinema.

Now, it's time for the special riddles with answers which helps you to know something interesting about the Film Industries

World Theatre Day

(1) Which country has the largest number of theatres in the world?______.

(2) Can you name the country which do not have any theatre?______.

(3) Who is considered as the Father of Indian Cinema?______.

(4) What is the name of the first theatre built in India and who constructed it?_______.

(5) Which is the richest film industry in the world?________.

(6) What is the old name of the famous Indian theatre 'Chaplin Cinema'?_______.

(7) As per the recent records, which Indian movie earned more money?_______.

(8) What is the box office collection of the Indian film 'Baahubali- 2: The Conclusion'?_______.

(9) What is the first film produced in India and who directed that movie?_______.

(10) Which film industry is the second largest film industry in India?_______.


(1) China.

(2) Saudi Arabia.

(3) Dada Saheb Phalke.

(4) Elphinstone Picture Palace built by Jamshedji Framji Madan.

(5) United States.

(6) Elphinstone Picture Palace.

(7) Baahubali 2: The Conclusion.

(8) 122.03 Crores.

(9) Raja Harishchandra-  Directed by Dada Saheb Phalke.

(10) Tamil film industry (Kollywood).

We hope that, you will find something interesting in the riddles. For reading more riddles, use the label attached below. Don't forget to comment us your opinions regarding the riddles.


  1. That's Amazing!!



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