Read our new Amazing Moral Story which will make you think

Read our new moral story which makes everyone to thinkЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Ram and his twin brother Raghu were studying fifth standard in a nearby school. The academic year came to an end and the school declared holidays for the students. The twin brothers were eager to enjoy their vacation.

They played throughout the day for five days and they were bored to play games for the remaining vacation days. So they thought of the alternate way to enjoy their holidays. Both thought of several ideas and finally, they planned to act the short stories from the story books.

The fun started with acting the drama. The story they chosed for acting had the characters:- A Murderer and A Saint. They asked their mother to see their best acting performance.

Mother agreed to them and sat on the sofa to watch her children's acting performance. Raghu chose the character of the murderer and he came with a original sharp knife in his hand to act his role. Mother was shocked to see Raghu with knife in his hand and advised them not to play with such dangerous things. But her children did not agree her words and told her that they were just acting a drama.

In order to make her children understand, she started to narrate a short moral story: - 

"Once upon a time, a group of children were playing hide and seek game for several times and later they were bored. They thought of buying something cheap to continue playing differently. They went to the nearby shop and bought a matchbox which is very cheap. Those small children started playing by burning each and every matchsticks.

There came a dog whose skin was applied with kerosene. The dog's owner had applied  kerosene for the treatment of removing ticks from the dog's skin. The children continued playing by burning all the matchsticks.

The dog passed very nearer to the children and one of the children unknowingly threw a  matchstick on the kerosene applied dog's skin. The dog's skin suddenly burnt and the poor dog screamed in pain. Hearing the sound, people gathered to the spot and sent the dog to the hospital for treatment. But after two days, the dog died due to the pain caused by fire injuries. The children just played with dangerous objects but it killed a poor dog's precious life."

 On hearing the story, the brothers understood the harmness of playing with dangerous things and they acted the drama with a knife made of thermocol and had more fun.

(Written by Subhashree)

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