Let us know the Story of Onam on this Most Auspicious Day.

 Wish all your friends and relatives Happy Onam with this special storyЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Story of Mahabali

Mahabali's visit on Onam Day

Once upon a time, A king named Mahabali chakravarthy lived in kerala. Mahabali was a very good king who fulfilled all his people's needs. But he was a self egoist who had thought that he was the only person who can fulfill everyone's needs. He also thought that none other than him can solve everyone's problem. He used to worship Lord vishnu daily and he was a sincere devotee of Lord vishnu.

Once Mahabali planned to  conduct a vedic yagyaa (ritual) and he announced to offer the people with whatever they wish. The ritual day came and he started granting them with all the gifts they wished. Lord Vishnu was impressed with his devotee and he thought of giving him moksha by playing with his egos. So he planned to arrive to the yaagya (ritual).

Lord vishnu came to the yagyaa in vaamana avataar. He appeared like a little brahmin saint wearing dhothi and had an umbrella on his hand.

Mahabali was eagerly gifting the people and it was vaamanaa's turn to receive gift from the king. Mahabali asked the vaamanaa's wish. Vaamanaa wished the king to offer the area that he could measure with his three footsteps. The king made fun of the little vamaana and agreed to fulfill his wish with an awkward smile. He offered him to take three footsteps of his wish.

The king was surprised to see the little Vaamanaa had grown up very tall suddenly. Vaamaana measured the whole earth with his first footstep. He also measured the whole sky with his second footstep and finally he was searching the place to keep his third footstep. So the king offered his own head for him to place his third footstep.

Vamaana kept his third footstep on Mahabali's head and send him to the paathaala logam and offered mokshaa. Lord vishnu also granted Mahabali a wish that he can arrive on Onam day to see his people. Every year, Onam was celebrated to welcome the Mahabali's arrival by preparing sweet dishes and decorating houses with colorful flower rangolis.

This is the story behind Onam festival that everyone of us should know on this awesome day.

We would like to wish all our readers a very Happy Onam...ЁЯШК

"May this Onam brings more happiness to you all"

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