Awesome Riddles about the Unknown Rarest Facts of Animals
Read the riddles to know the rarest animal facts with awesome answersЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ
(1) Can you name the animal which do not have the ability to run fast and jump?_____.
(2) Which animals do not have the ability to walk in the backward direction?______.
(3) How do you call a baby bat? ______.
(4) How many times a dog's sense of smell is stronger than that of humans?______.
(5) How do you call a baby goat?_____.
(6) We (humans) taste food with our tongue is a general matter. Can you guess the part of the butterfly's body with which it tastes the food?______.
(7) Can you name the animal which have the bigger eyes than any other animal in the world?______.
(8) When did the Global tiger day/ International tiger day is observed every year?______.
(9) How do you call a group of Zebras?______.
(10) When is the World wildlife day celebrated in India every year?______.
(1) Elephant.
(2) Emus and Kangaroos.
(3) Baby Bat- A Pup.
(4) 10,000 to 100,000 times.
(5) Baby Goat- A Kid.
(6) Feet.
(7) Horse.
(8) July 29.
(9) Group of Zebras- A Dazzle.
(10) March 3.
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