Poem which explains the Escape from the Dangerous Death

Read our new poem which explains the great escape from the mouth of dangerous deathЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Escape from the mouth of death

Poem regarding helping a pigeon

High I flew in the sky,

Watching the green trees,

That bloomed with flowers and fruits.

Happily, I enjoyed the view,

Of my friends picking up grains,

We all flew in a flock through the clouds.

Suddenly I was trapped, by the eagle,

I lost the path and my friends.

Accidentally my wings hit on a tree.

Down I fell on the ground,

A cat and two dogs surrounded me.

Crows circled, my heart told me I was dead.

But faith was on my side,

A sudden miracle happened, a fairy arrived,

She lifted me with care.

"Poor pigeon, I will save you."

She whispered and hugged me with love,

She fed me with water and grains,

I had been pulled away from the mouth of death.

(Written by Anitha)

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