Riddles regarding the unknown fantastic facts about the animals

 Read these mesmerizing riddles which helps you to know new things about the animal speciesЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Riddles that will mke you think

(1) I am the biggest land animal in the world and I am the only mammal who cannot jump. Can you guess me?______.

Answer: Elephant.

(2) I am the tallest animal in the world. I can clean my ears with my 21 inches long tongue. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Giraffe.

(3) I am a herbivorous animal and I am the land animal who has the biggest eyes in the world. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Horse.

(4) Some of my family members can have the ability to perform mental mathematics if trained. I also have a unique finger print as the human beings. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Monkey.

(5) I am a herbivore who is usually huge in size.My horn is made of keratin and my horn is also used for medicinal purposes. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Rhinoceros.

(6) I am the largest member among the wild cat species. I like to swim and play in water. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Tiger.

(7) I am the mammal who is known as the fastest land animal in the world. I can run faster than the speed of a race car. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Cheetah.

(8) I belong to the cat family who live in groups. I also symbolise the courage and pride. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Lion.

(9) My body is striped with black and white stripes which is unique for every individual. I also have the capability to sleep while standing. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Zebra.

(10) I am the smartest mammal in the world who is good in some memory tasks than humans. I am capable of producing 30 different sounds. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Chimpanzee.

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