Know the Stories behind this Second Day of Diwali Festival

Happy Choti Diwali to Everyone

Today, we shall celebrate the second day of Diwali festival by knowing the story of celebrating this festival.

Happy Naraka Chaturdashi wishes

Next day of Dhanteras is celebrated as Naraka Chaturdashi in many of the northern states of India. The second day of Diwali is celebrated all over India by different names such as Naraka Chaturdashi, Kali Chaudas, Hanuman pooja, Roop chaturdashi. Now, let us know briefly about the stories and the celebrations based on today's festivals.

On this day, people used to clean their houses and redecorate the houses. People also consider this day as the perfect day to purchase or to make the festive eatables particularly sweets. This day is also known as Choti Diwali.

Kali Chaudhas :-

Kali refers to the black and chaudas refers to the fourteenth day of Krishna Paksha. In some states, Devi kali is worshipped on this day. It is believed that she destroys the laziness and darkness from our soul and she will bless us with goodness and blessings. Since praying to goddess kali on this second day of Diwali, today is also known as Kali Chaudas.

Hanuman Pooja :-

On this day, Hanuman pooja is widely celebrated in many northern states of India especially in Gujarat. Hanuman pooja is done to gain courage and bravery to fight against the evil thoughts and negative powers. Diwali is celebrated to welcome the Lord Rama's return after defeating the demon Ravana. Since Hanuman is the most important dedicated devotee of the Lord Rama, he is blessed to worship on the day before diwali.

Naraka Chaturdashi :-

Narakasuran killer by goddess Bhudevi

Narakasura is a wicked demon who was the child of the Goddess Bhudevi and the lord Varaha. Varaha is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Days went by and greediness and the negativity had grown more in Narakasura's Character. Due to his severe penance, Narakasura was offered with a boon by Lord Brahma before many years and the boon was that he will be killed only in the hands of his mother.

So he enjoyed destroying and disturbing the people of the world without bothering about his death. So, Lord Krishna went to the battle against him with his wife Sathyabama. Sathyabama was the reincarnation of the goddess Bhudevi. On their serious battle, Lord Krishna fell down. On seeing the situation of her husband, Sathyabama fought with her son and she succeeded him in the battle.

After succeeding him, she realised that he was her son. Her son pleased her a boon when he was in the doors of death. He wished her that he should be remembered by the people forever. From that, every year, his death anniversary is celebrated as Naraka Chaturdashi. 

Happy Diwali!!

Happy Naraka Chaturdashi!!

(To be continued...)

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