Know the story and Celebrate this Bhai Dooj festival Happily

Today, we shall celebrate the last day of Diwali festival by knowing the story about this festivalЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Fifth day of Diwali is celebrated as Bhai Dooj or Bhau beej. This festival is also known by the names of Yama dvithiya, Bhaiya dooj, Bhai tika and Bhai Phonta. 

Celebrate this Bhai Dooj with story

On this day, brothers and sisters share their affection for each other. This day is the second day of the new year according to Vikram Samvat calendar. Brothers and sisters strengthen their relationship bond by expressing their affection for each other. On this day, brothers also visit their married sisters. This festival is celebrated in most of the states of India.

Ceremonies of Bhai Dooj:-

On this day, sisters pray for the pleasant, wealthy and healthy long life of their brothers. They used to perform aarthi to their brothers. They also apply red tilaka on their brother's forehead which symbolises victory. Married sisters also celebrate this day by inviting their brothers for meal. Their brothers also express their love by providing gifts to their sisters.

In some states, the girls who do not have brothers also celebrate Bhaiya Dooj festival. They used to worship Moon and perform aarthi to the Moon God. The sisters who have their brothers far away worship for their brothers and send their prayers through Moon. These sisters perform aarthi to the Moon God and pray for the pleasant life of their lovely brothers. 

Story of Celebrating Bhai Dooj:-

Lord Krishna accompanied Bhudevi in the battle against Narakasur. After bhudevi defeated the demon Narakasur, Lord Krishna returned to visit his sister Subhadra. Subhadra affectionately welcomed her brother by applying thilakam on his forehead. She also welcomed him with flowers and sweets and this is the origin of celebrating this Bhaidooj festival.

This festival is also known as Yama Dvithiya. There is another story regarding this festival Yama dvithiya. On this day, It is believed that, Lord Yamadeva visited his sister Yamuna river to express his affection towards her.

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