Celebrate this Dhanteras and Yamadeepam by knowing the story

Let me start the today's post by praising the almighty.

Readers, follow the post fully without skipping to know about the interesting story of the special festive occasions ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Today's post is based on the festival which is related to diyas, prayers, shopping, gifts, crackers, sweets... etc and lots and lots of fun. Yes, your guessing is right.

It's Diwali festival.

Diwali is "the festival of lights" and it is joyfully celebrated all over India. Deepawali or Diwali festival is celebrated for five days and each day of Diwali is celebrated differently.

Now, we shall know about the story related to the festival which is celebrated on the first day of diwali.

On this year 2020, diwali festival is celebrated from 12th November to 16th November in many states of India.

Now, it's time for sharing the story of celebrating Dhanteras and Yamadeepam. 

First day of Diwali :-

Dhanteras :-

Dhanteras and Yamadeepam is observed on the first day of Diwali. On the day of Dhanteras, people worship Lord Dhanvantari who is considered as the God of Ayurveda. He is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who is also known as the physician for all gods. 

God Dhanvantari has four hands and he holds ayurvedic products in each of his hands. He holds ayurvedic book, a conch (sangu), kalash (utensil) full of divine amirtha and some medicinal plants in his hands.

Lord Dhanvantari, god of ayurveda

It is believed that, worshipping this lord will cure the incurable diseases also. In some places, people worship cow and its calf on this day since they are considered as the divine species according to hindu mythology. On this day, Lakshmi devi exposed out from the deep ocean with a jar of amirtha. In South India, Brahmins used to prepare medicine on this day which helps in the digestion of heavy food items and oily sweet items.

Yamadeepam :-

Yamadeepam interesting story

On the day of Dhanteras, people also celebrate Yamadeepam. On this day, people worship lord yamadeva who is the lord of death. They worshipped him to escape from the untimely death and to keep them safe from death. In some places, this yamadeepam is also known as "Minor Diwali" or "Choti Diwali."

 On the night time, people used to light one lamp or thirteen lamps which are made of wheat flour and these lamps are called as diya lamps. These diya lamps are kept outside the houses and the lamp is lightened by placing the flame facing towards south direction. South direction is considered as the direction of the Lord Yamadevan who is one among the ashtadikpalas.

Now let us know the interesting story behind the celebrations of YamadeepamЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Story of Yamadeepam :-

King Hima had a sixteen years old son who had the fate that he would die by a snake bite on the fourth day of his marriage life while sleeping. After the marriage, his wife came to know about her husband's fate and she thought of using her intelligence to escape her husband from death. So, she doesn't allow him to sleep on the fourth day of their married life. She placed all her gold and silver jewels at the entrance of their room and lit small lamps (Diya Lamps) all over the palace. Later, she began telling stories to her husband.She also sang devotional songs. 

When Yama comes in the form of a snake to took away her husband's life, Yama was unable to see anything because the ornaments glittered in the light. So, He doesn't enter the prince's room. But that snake (Yamadev) listened to the stories and songs for the whole night by sitting on the top of the ornament heap. And, he went away in the morning as he was unable to complete his work on time. On this day, his wife saved the prince from the grip of death by her wisdom. So, the people started worshipping the Lord Yama on this night to avoid death and to protect us from untimely death.

"Shubh Dhanteras and Yamadeepam"

Now, everyone of you may be aware of the festivals Dhanteras and Yamadeepam. Follow our upcoming diwali stories to know about the other interesting stories also. 

(To be continued...)

Hope that, you have gained something new today. Support us by sharing your comments with us and never forget to share the post with your friends also...ЁЯШД


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