Know about the Goddess Kalarathri & Celebrate this Navarathri

Today, let us know about Kalarathri Matha to whom the seventh day of Navarathri is dedicated for.

Kalarathri Mata is also called as Kaali, Kaalrathri etc. Kaalratri Mata is often seen in Dark blue colour or black colour. She rides a donkey. She holds weapons in her two hands and she also provides blessings with her hands. She is the powerful goddess with the most terrific appearance.

Durga devi's seventh form Devi Kaalrathri

Now, let us know the story of Kalarathri deviЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Once, there lived the demons named Shumban, Nishanthan, Chanda, Munda and Rakthabeej. Shumban, Nishumban joined their hands with Chanda and Munda. They disturbed the innocent people and they never allowed everyone to lead a peaceful life. They also disturbed all the three worlds. So, all gods fought with him. But, their efforts ended in vain.

So, all the gods requested Devi Durga to destroy the demons. Maa Durga accepted their request and announced that, those who win her in the battle can marry her. So, all the demons agreed to her and they started to fight.

Devi Durga fought bravely and she killed the army of demons. She needed the help of someone to destroy the powerful demons Chanda, Munda, Shumban and Nishumban. So, she created an assistant from her forehead and named her as Kaalrathri (which means the time of death). She was also known as Kaali as she is in black colour.

Both joined and killed all the demons easily except the demon Rakthabeej. Raktha means blood and beej means seed. This demon had the boon that he can grow his clone even from a drop of blood. So, Lord Durga found it difficult to destroy this demon because he continously kept growing up from the blood which shed in the ground.

After Kaalrathri joined her hands in the battle, it became easy to destroy Rakthabeej. Devi durga cut his heads and Kalarathri drank the blood of the demon and he was unable to grow from the blood. Finally, Devi Kalarathri and Durga devi succesfully destroyed the demon Rakthabeej.

Maa Kaalrathri punishes the wrongdoers to save her innocent and loyal devotees. So, let me finish the story by praising the goddess of Courage, Matha Kalarathri.

To watch the story on YouTubeЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Maa Kalarathri ki jai!!!

(To be continued...)

Hope that, you have come to know about the goddess of courage. For more stories, use the label given below. Comment your opinions and support us by sharing the stories with your friends...ЁЯШД


  1. Awesome storyЁЯСПЁЯСП
    Maa Kalarathri ki Jay!!!!!
    And I am so eager to know about the next goddess.

  2. Curiosity overloaded to know about the upcoming part... ЁЯТп

  3. Super storyЁЯСМЁЯСМ
    Kalarathri Maa ki jay!!

  4. I am waiting for the next post from your blog.

    Your blog makes me easy to enjoy my leisure time joyfully.

    One of the nice blogЁЯМЯЁЯМЯЁЯМЯ


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