Know about Shailaputri and celebrate this Navarathri first day

 Let us celebrate all the nine days of this Navarathri festival by knowing the story behind each day. Celebrate this auspicious occasion with the story regarding Navarathri first dayЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ


Celebrate this Navarathri by knowing the story

Navarathri is a sanskrit word which combines Nava (Nine) and Rathiri (Nights).

Why Navarathri is celebrated??

Navarathri is celebrated for enjoying the victory over the demon Mahishasura. First three nights of Navarathri are celebrated on behalf of the Goddess Shakthi. Second three nights are celebrated on behalf of the Goddess Lakshmi. Third three nights are celebrated on behalf of the Goddess Saraswathi.

Who is Mahishasura?

Mahishasura was the demon king who was born for a human demon and a female buffalo. He was a devotee of Lord Brahma. After many years of penance (thavam) towards Lord Brahma, Brahma offered him two wishes. Mahishasura demanded that he could not be killed by any men or animal. He also demanded the wish to change him to all the forms he like. Brahma granted him with all the wishes he demanded. 

First day of Navarathri:

Parvathi devi or Shailaputri goddess

First day of Navarathri was celebrated on behalf of the Devi Shailaputri (Parvati). 'Shaila' means the mountains and 'Putri' means daughter. So, Shailaputri means the daughter of mountains. She was the wife of Lord Shiva.

 In her previous birth, Shailaputri was the daughter of great king Daksha Prajapathi. She was known by the name of Sati in her previous birth. She married Lord Shiva against the wish of her father. 

Once, King Daksha conducted yagya without inviting Shiva and Sati. But, Sati wished to attend the yagya. Lord Shiva warned her not to attend the yagya because no one invited them. But, she went to the yagya without accepting her husband's advice. 

Her father disrespected and illtreated her at the yagya and it resulted to her immolation. She jumped into the yagya fire and died. 

At her next birth, she was born as Shailaputri. She married Lord Shiva through several years of penance. She was also called as Parvathi. She was the goddess of power. First day of the Navarathri is dedicated to this powerful goddess and let us pray to her to get all the good powers to destroy all the evils around us. 

Jai Shree Shailaputri!!

Shailaputri Maathaa ki jay!!

(To be continued...)

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  1. I am eagerly waiting for the next post!!

    Jai Sailaputri!!

  2. Nice and I'm waiting for the next post,!

  3. Jii this is the 1st time iam hearing this story it was awesome


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