Know More about the States of INDIA through these Riddles

 "Proud to be an Indian"

Read our riddles to know more about the remarkable speciality of the  Indian StatesЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Riddles time

(1) Palm tree is the state tree and Kabaddi is the state sport. India's classical dance and the classical Carnatic music is famous in this state. Can you guess the state?______.

Answer: TamilNadu.

(2) Ayurveda tourism is best in this Indian state. It is the state which is named as one of the ten paradises of the world by National Geographic traveller. Can you guess me?_____.

Answer: Kerala.

(3) The famous temple which is the world's second richest temple with millions of visitors is situated on this state. Common Jasmine is the state flower of this state. Can you guess the name of the state?_____.

Answer: Andhra Pradesh.

(4) The State tree is Sandalwood and the state animal is Asiatic elephant. The famous sweet in this state is Mysore Pak. Can you guess the state?_____.

Answer: Karnataka.

(5) This is the state where Mahatma Gandhiji Born. Banana is the state tree of this state. This is the state famous for asiatic lions and white desert (Rann of Kutch). Can you guess the state?_____.

Answer: Gujarat.

(6) This state is called as the land of five rivers. This city is situated nearer to Pakistan with Wagah border. Can you guess the state's name? _____

Answer: Punjab.

(7) This state is the second most populated state of India. This state is well known for its cave architectures as in the Ajantha caves of ellora. Can you guess the name of the state? ______. 

Answer: Maharashtra. 

(8) Balushahi is the famous sweet in this state. This state is famous for the World popular monument TajMahal. Which state is this? _____.

Answer : Uttar Pradesh. 

(9) Pink City is situated in this state. Camel is the official state animal of this state. Can you guess the state's name? _____.

Answer : Rajasthan. 

(10) Red fort, Qutub minar, Lotus temple are the important tourist spots of this state. This state is the capital of India. Can you guess the name of the state?_____.

Answer: Delhi.

Hope that, you may have come to know more about Indian States. Support us by sharing our posts with your friends and don't forget to comment your suggestions...ЁЯШД


  1. Glad to visit this blogЁЯТпЁЯШ╗ЁЯФе

  2. Proud to be an INDIAN

  3. Amazing riddlesЁЯСМЁЯСМ
    Be IndianЁЯТкЁЯТк



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