Celebrate Saraswathi Pooja by knowing about Siddhidhatri devi

Wish "Happy Ayudha Pooja" and "Happy Navarathri" to all your relatives and friends by sharing this story about the ninth form of Durga.

Wish everyone a very happy Saraswathi Pooja

"Happy Ayudha Pooja"

Saraswathi Devi is the goddess of wisdom, music, speech and art. She is one of the Tridevi (Parvathi, Lakshmi and Saraswathi).

On this auspicious day, Let all of us perform Ayudha pooja by placing all our weapons (Ayudha) in front of her and worship wholeheartedly. Devi will shower us the knowledge as well as the confidence to achieve great in our life.

"We whole heartedly wish Devi Saraswathi to bring happiness in all your life. This Saraswasthi pooja may make all your dreams come true."

Besides Saraswathi Matha, the goddess of perfection is also worshipped today to attain perfection in our achievements.

Now, let us see about the goddess Siddidhatri to whom the ninth day of Navarathri is dedicated forЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

The word Siddhi means "success or perfection" and the word dhatri refers to the awarder. Siddhidhatri is the goddess who is the awarder (giver) of Siddhis. Siddhis are also the supernatural powers. 

Matha Siddhidhathri is seen in beautiful red saree. She is sitting on a lotus. She has four hands and she holds a Gada, a chakra, a lotus and a shell (Shangu) in her hands. Her vahana (vehicle) is a lion.

Know the story of Ninth day of Navarathri

By worshipping this form of goddess, one can get the perfection and purity of the soul.

Story of Siddhidhatri

Once, there was nothing in the universe. Kushmanda Devi created the cosmic egg through the radiance of her smile. Then, she created the Trimurtis. She also provided the duty of creating, preserving and destroying to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

But, Lord Shiva approached Devi Kushmanda for more perfection in the universe. So, Kushmanda Matha created Siddhidhatri Devi. By worshipping Siddhidhatri Matha, Shiva got all the siddhis. In addition to the ashtasiddhis (eight supernatural powers), she also provided Shiva with eighteen siddhis. Then, lord shiva get the rare and powerful eighteen powers with perfection.

For rather more perfection, she became half of Shiva's body and this form is called as Arthanaadheeswarar.

Ashatasiddhis are Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Ishitva and Vasitva.

Anima- the ability to reduce the size of the body even smaller as the size of atom.

Mahima- the ability to expand the size of the body to the infinitely large size.

Garima- the ability to become very heavy.

Laghima-the ability to become very light.

Prapti- the ability to travel to any place by will.

Prakamya- the ability to do the desired including talking with animals and birds.

Ishitva- the ability to control natural organisms and the individuals of nature such as animals, birds, human beings etc.

Vasitva- the ability to control the natural forces such as sound, gravity etc.

Let us pray to Saraswathi Matha and Siddhidhatri Devi on this devotional day and they will bless all of us with success and happiness in our life. 

"Shree Sarawathi Matha ki Jai!!"

"Siddhathri Devi ki Jai!!"

Hope that, you had come to know the story of the Ninth form of Lord Durga. Support us by sharing the stories with your friends. Don't forget to comment your suggestions and experiences below...ЁЯШД


  1. "Shree Sarawathi Matha ki Jai!!"
    "Siddhathri Devi ki Jai!!"
    Happy Saraswathi Pooja.
    Happy Navarathri.


  3. Feeling happy by Knowing the 9 incarnation of Durga... Happy ayudha Pooja... Saraswati Mata ki jay!!!!... ❤️ЁЯФе


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