Read these simple quotes which can make your life great

 Here are some of the simple quotes which can make all your lives great ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

(1) " Never make fun of someone when they are in a difficult situation. Because, the same may happen to you one day."

(2) " If the path you are following does not work, then change your path because there is not only a single path to achieve your destination."

(3) " Don't waste your valuable time thinking about your past and future. Because no one can replace your lost time ever."

(4) " Do good to everyone without expecting anything from others because your goodness will make god to gift you with goodness."

(5) " Life is too short. So try to find atleast ten reasons to smile even if you have thousand reasons to cry."

(6) " Success is not only about  succeeding in your difficulties. But, it is about your attitude how you face all your difficult situations."

(7) " Have trust in you always. The world may cheat you but you should never cheat yourself forever."

(8) " Don't try to play with  other's weakness. Remember that the world is trying to find your weakness also."

(9) " Before making the new people closer to you, measure the good and bad qualities of them. It will give you the idea to spend the time carefully with them."

(10) " None of the people in the world enjoy a very pleasure life. But, the sad people ever remains sad since they never know this simple truth."

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