Start your day Positively with our New Fantastic Quotes

 Make your day mesmerizing with our new motivational quotesЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

(1) "Do all the works in the right time since delay leads to dangerous problems. Sometimes, it becomes useless if you do your work in the wrong time."


(2) "Never lie to anyone knowingly. Even though no one find your lie, your own heart even hurts you always."


(3) "Respect and accept what everyone tells you. But, always do what your heart tells you."


(4) "Never do wrong to anyone and yourself even if your everlasting friend forces you."


(5) "Never try to revenge anyone and remember that it is not the way to end your problems."


(6) "Never mind where you are and what you are. But be the best of wherever and whatever you are."


(7) "Try to be good for your own heart alone. Because, it is impossible to be good for everyone always."


(8) "Don't judge anyone anytime by their appearance. Remember that the costliest glittering diamond was also extracted from the black coal."


(9) "Never get tired of fighting against your negative attitudes since they are the major problem creators of many people's life."


(10) "Never give up in all your struggles. If God gifted you failures continuously for many times, then remember that- He had choose you for a very best field than the field you are trying."

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