Read our Tricky and Funny Simple Riddles with Easy answers

Read all our Tricky and Funny Simple Riddles with answers which boosts all your brainsЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

(1) I go up and up always and no one can bring me down ever. Who am I?_____.
Answer: Age.

(2) Guess the month of the year which contains 28 days?_____.
Answer: All the months.

(3) I have hearts with no feelings. Who am I?_____.
Answer: A deck of Cards.

(4) I am a language and I start with the letter "M" and end with the same letter "M". You can spell me backwards and still I remain the same. Who am I?_____.
Answer: Malayalam.

(5) What is seen in the middle of Refer?_____.
Answer: The letter F.

(6) Which is the alphabet that searches for honey from flowers?_____.
Answer: The letter B.

(7) We can buy it for eating purpose but we will not eat it. What is it?_____.
Answer: Plates.

(8) Which is the subject that has story in it?_____.
Answer: History.

(9) It has an age with it which never differs. What is it?_____.
Answer: Language.

(10) I have sky without sun and moon. Who am I?_____.
Answer: Skyscraper.

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  1. Only malayalam and history was right. But on the whole it was awesome


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