GOLDEN QUOTES which makes everyone to lead successful life

Golden thoughts for everyone:

Here are some of the amazing golden quotes for everyone to lead a successful lifeЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ
(1) "Accept the lessons taught by failure to achieve your determined success."

 (2) "Success comes after hardwork only in the dictionary and it is impossible in reality ".
(3) "Optimistic thoughts boosts you to achieve success. But, Pessimistic thoughts never allow you to lead a peaceful life."

(4) "Don't hesitate to try new things. By trying new things, you may learn something new."

(5) "Experience is a kind of teacher who always teaches us by giving test first."

(6) "Nothing lasts forever. Each and everything should come to an end one or another day."

(7) "Blaming others is not the only solution to escape from all your problems; Face your problems and solve them with courage."

(8) "You cannot recover yesterday since it is not yours, but you can win tomorrow since it is yours. So forget yesterday and focus on tomorrow to achieve your goals."

(9) "Do not waste your precious time on revenge. The people who hurt you will face their own karma."

(10) "Don't gain the world by losing your soul; Wisdom is better than silver and gold."

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