INTERESTING TRICKY RIDDLES with easy answers for everyone

 Here are some of the interesting riddles with easy answers which will amaze all your mindsЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Interesting riddles with answers:

(1) I do not have a body but I have a head and tail.Who am I?_____.
Answer: Coin.

(2) Two mothers and two daughters went for shopping jewellery and there are only three members totally. Can you guess this is possible?_____.
Answer: The three members are grandmother, mother and daughter.

(3) What is the weightless thing which can never be hold by any of the strongest people.
Answer: Air, Our breath.

(4) I may or may not have many storeys but I have many stories in me. What building am I?_____.
Answer: The Library.

(5) Which is heavier? A kilogram of sugar or A kilogram of salt?_____.
Answer: Both weighs the same.

(6) I have bed with me but never allow anyone to use it. Who am I?_____.
Answer: River.

(7) I have face and hands but do not have a body.Who am I?_____.
Answer: A clock.

(8) Ram's mother has three children. One is Rathi, Other is Sania. What is the name of the third child?_____.
Answer: The name of third child is Ram.

(9) I have only one eye but never use to see. Who am I?_____.
Answer: A needle.

(10) I have one. We have two and You have three. What is it?_____.
Answer: The letters.(one in 'I', two in 'we', three in 'you').

Use the label "Riddles", read all our interesting riddles with amazing answers.

We hope that our riddles amazes all your minds. Comment your views about our riddles and share your reactions also. Don't forget to share with your friends if you like it...ЁЯШК 


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