Read Our Amazing Short Story with Great Moral Values

Short story with great moral that everyone should not miss to readЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ
Story time

Sita and Barani are living in the same neighbourhood. Both of them were pursuing their studies in the same school. They were the classmates of eighth standard. Their school used to celebrate every birthday of Poet Bharathi in a very grand manner. Many creative competitions are to be held for a week and the winners will be appreciated with prizes at the grand function.

As every year, the school committee announced talent search competitions for the students this year also. Many of the students eagerly registered their names for the competitions. Sita was a blooming beginner in painting. Barani was an expert reader who love to read tamil books. 

Sita registered her name for the drawing competition and Barani registered her name for the Poetry Recitation Competition. The Competitions are to be held tomorrow. So, the students utilised all their free break time for the preparation of Competitions. Barani collected tamil poetry books from the school library and Sita collected the materials for painting from her friends to paint Bharathi's drawing.

All the students returned to their homes after the school got over. Barani and Sita walked to their homes talking about their preparation for the competitive events. They were eagerly discussing about the efforts that they had to do to win in the competition. On the way to their homes, they met their neighbour named Shami. Shami kindly invited both the girls to come to her home for attending her son chotu's birthday party at that evening. 

Initially, they refused to attend the party by explaining the reasons. Later, they accepted to attend the party after the kind aunt lovely requests for several times.  They went to their homes, changed clothes, went to the neighbour's home and spent the whole evening at the birthday party. 

The next day, both went to the school sadly as they were unable to prepare for the competitions. Their class teacher looked after the students of the class at the morning. The class teacher gently enquired about the competition preparation of her students. Each and every student replied separately  about their preparation. All the students of the class except Barani and Sita replied that they had prepared for the competitions. On seeing everyone's reply, Sita too told the teacher that she had prepared for the competition. 

But, Barani did not want to lie in this situation. So, she accepted the truth. She was the only one member of the class who accepted for not preparing for the competitions. After hearing everyone's words, their gentle class teacher gave Barani the sufficient time for preparing for the competitions.

On the function, Barani was honoured with the special prizes for the best recitation of bharathiyar poems. Here, Barani made a chance for victory by telling the truth. But, Sita destroyed her victory chance by telling lie. This shows the greatness and power of truth. 

Moral: Truth never Fails.

(Written by Subhashree)

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