Short Story with Great Values that You Should Never Miss

Short story that reveals great moral value ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Laziness kils success

Gayu and Bhavana were working in the same office. Their office management planned to conduct an important meeting to the employees by tomorrow. So, they announced their decision to employees through the circular. 

In the circular, the management had strictly conveyed the employees to attend the tomorrow's meeting without fail. They also mentioned in the circular that, "the person who fails to attend the meeting should convey proper reason." "If he/she fails to convey proper reason, the management will punish him by reducing the salary." This was the warning note given in the circular.  

On the day of meeting, no one expected and it started to rain slightly. The office was about 2 kilometers away from Gayu's house. Usually, Gayu used to go to office in her scooty. But, her scooty's tire was at puncture and she was unable to use it for going to the office. 

Gayu had sufficient time to reach the office by walking but she was lazy. On seeing the flat tire of her scooty, she kept thinking for a while. Atlast, her laziness won her mind and heart. So, she gave up the decision of going to the office. She chosed the decision of taking leave to the office. 

 Bhavana was living in the nearby village and she used to come to the office daily by bus. Even though it was raining, she didn't want to take leave to the office. So, she went to the bus stand with umbrella and get into the bus to reach the office. 

 Bhavana reached the office on time from her village. As they planned, the management had conducted the scheduled meeting. Many decisions regarding the improvement of their office was discussed on the meeting. Important business deals of their office was also discussed in the meeting. The meeting was so important and Gayu missed it all because of her laziness. By evening, the meeting successfully came to an end and all the employees dispersed to their houses. 

On the next day, after repairing her scooty, Bhavana came to the office. She apologized to the management by explaining the reasons of not attending the yesterday's meeting. She explained about her punctured scooty and the rainy climate as the causes of not attending the important meeting held on the previous day. 

On seeing her polite ways of apologizing, the office management apologized her. But, the missed meeting had made her to lack in many fields as she doesn't know about the business deals discussed at that meeting. Later, she asked and learnt about the discussions from the co-worker Bhavana. 

This short story is the great example for the proverb, "Where there is a will, there is a way." Because, the willpower of Bhavana had made her to come to the office from the nearby village. But, laziness of Gayu leads her to face many problems. 

Moral: Laziness kills success.

(Written by Subhashree)

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  1. Wowwwwww ЁЯдйЁЯдйЁЯдйЁЯдйЁЯдйamazing storyЁЯСМЁЯП╗ЁЯСМЁЯП╗ЁЯСМЁЯП╗ЁЯСМЁЯП╗

  2. And amazing writer ЁЯСМЁЯП╗ЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯСПЁЯСП


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