Read these riddles to know about the facts of the Ramayana epic

 Read our riddles with answers to know something new about the interesting epic RamayanaЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Interesting in Ramayana epic

(1) He is a sincere devotee of Lord Rama in the Ramayana epic and he is also the incarnation of Lord Shiva. Can you find him?_______.

Answer: Lord Hanuman.

(2) We all know that the Ramayana epic was written by Sage Valmiki. But,do you know his original name?_______.

Answer: Ratnakar. 

(3) What was the job done by Sage Valmiki in his early life when he was Ratnakar?_______.

Answer: He was a robber.

(4) He is the most dedicated character in the Ramayana epic and he is the incarnation of Vishnu's Shesha Naag. He dedicated his sleep for 14 years to guard Lord Rama. Can you guess him?______.

Answer: Lord Lakshmana.

(5) She is the most dedicated female character in the Ramayana epic. It is believed that she slept for 14 years when Rama lived in the forest. It is also believed that she slept the sleep of Lakshman also. Can you guess her?_______.

Answer: Urmila.

(6) She is the elder sister of Urmila and she is known by many names such as Vaidehi, Janaki, Maithili, Bhumija etc. Can you guess her?______.

Answer: Sita.

(7) Valmiki wrote the story of Ramayana before it occurred. But, He is also a character of Ramayana epic. What is the character of Sage Valmiki in Ramayana?_______.

Answer: He was the sage who took Devi Sita to his ashram when she was sent to forest by Lord Rama.

(8) What are the names of the twin children to whom Sita Matha gave birth?______.

Answer: Lavan and Kushan.

(9) Sita gave birth to the twin babies in Sage Valmiki's ashram. So, Lord Rama did not meet his children for many years. Then, how did he met his children for the first time?_______.

Answer: Rama met his children in the war. (Those twin children occupied the yagya horses of his kingdom and hence he went on war against his children)

(10) Who were the incarnation of Lord Vishnu's Conch (Shangu) and Chakra in the Ramayana epic?______.

Answer: Bharata (Shangu) and Satrughana (Chakra).

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