Riddles which helps you to Know the Ramayanam Epic Briefly

Read our riddles which helps you to learn something new about Ramayana EpicЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Interesting riddles time

(1) Who is the king of Kosala kingdom and also the father of four divine sons?______.

Answer: King Dasaratha.

(2) What is the capital of Kosala Kingdom?_______.

Answer: Ayodhya.

(3) Who is Shravana Kumar in Ramayana?______.

Ans: He is the son of blind parents and he dedicated most of his life for taking care of them.

(4) What is the special ability of the King Dasaratha?_______.

Ans: Dasaratha has the ability to hunt the animals by shooting the arrow towards the direction of sound of animals without seeing it.

(5) This is the great tragic mistake done by King Dasaratha. His mistake lead to the death of himself also. What was it?______.

Ans: Assasination of Shravan kumar.

(6) How was Shravan kumar deceased?

Answer: Dasaratha went for hunting. Without seeing Shravan, Dasaratha shooted an arrow towards him as he thought that animal came for drinking water. This arrow killed Shravan.

(7) What was Shravan kumar doing when Dasaratha shooted the arrow towards him?______.

Answer: Shravan Kumar was fetching water from the water body for his blind  parents.

(8) After knowing about the death of Shravan, What was the reaction of his blind parents?______.

They mourned for the death of their dearest child. Shravan's father cursed Dasaratha to die after the separation of his beloved son.

(9) Who died in the unbearable shock after Dasaratha killed Shravan?_______.

Ans: Shravan's blind parents.

(10) What made King Dasaratha to die?______.

Answer: The Separation of his lovely son Rama.

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