Wish your Friends and Relatives a Happy and Wealthy DIWALI

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Diwali is widely celebrated for five days in many states of India. Today is the third day of Diwali festival and this third day of Diwali falls on the New Moon day (Amavasya day).

This day is celebrated grandly in most of the states of India. Let this diwali festival brings happiness and goodness in all your life by destructing the evilness and negativity from your surroundings.

Happy Diwali Everyone

On this day, Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after completing his fourteen years of exile. He killed the demon Ravana and returned Ayodhya with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana. To celebrate the return of Lord Rama, people welcomed him by liting diya lamps in all the houses. This festival of lights is observed as Diwali in many states of India.

During this day, people wear new clothes, share greetings with friends and family members, decorate their houses with diya lamps, blast crackers with their relatives. On this day, people share sweets to express their happiness. On this day, Lakshmi Pooja is also conducted in many of the Indian states.

 Lakshmi Pooja :-

Lakshmi pooja on diwali

On this day, people pray to goddess lakshmi who is the goddess of wealth and they also worship Lord Ganesha who is the God of prosperity. Lakshmi pooja is held on this day. People pray to the goddess by decorating the idol. Then the idol is decorated with haldi, kumkum and flowers. 

The people decorate the homes with diya lamps at night. It is believed that goddess lakshmi visits her devotee's home on the night of this day and blesses them with goodness. So, some people open their doors and windows to welcome Lakshmi devi and they decorate the homes with many lamps to invite her.

On this day, some of the people worship Vaibhava lakshmi who is the goddess of prosperity and wealth. People worship her to get rid from misfortunes and to achieve goodness in life. 

Once again, 

"A very Happy Diwali to all"

(To be continued...)

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