Ramayana Riddles with Answers for the Ramayana Lovers

Never miss to read the Ramayana riddles which tells more about the interesting epicЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Ramayana unknown facts

(1) Can you name the parents of Lord Rama in Ramayana epic?_______.
Answer: Dasharatha and Kaikeyi.

(2) Can you name the three wives of Lord Dasharatha?_______.
Answer: Kousalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra.

(3) Can you name the wife of Dasharatha who is responsible for sending Lord Rama to the forest for fourteen years?_______.
Answer: Kaikeyi.

(4) Why did King Dasharatha offered the boons demanded by Kaikeyi?_______.
Answer: Because, Dasharatha promised kaikeyi that he will fulfill her two boons at any time if she demands for.

(5) Why did Dasharatha promised Kaikeyi to fulfill her two boons?______.
Answer: Once, Kaikeyi saved Dasharatha's life in the battle field. So, he promised her to fulfill her the wishes she demands.

(6) What happened to Dasharatha after he himself ordered his beloved Rama to go to forest?
Answer: Dasharatha died because of the separation of him and his lovely son Rama.

(7) Whose curses made the King Dasharatha to die?________.
Answer: The curses of the parents of Shravana Kumar.

(8) Who brought up Lord Sita Devi?_______.
Answer: Janak and Sunaina.

(9) Who was Janak and and where Devi Sita was brought up?______.
Answer: Janak was the King of Mithila and Devi Sita was brought up in Mithila.

(10) What is the meaning of 'Sita' and why did they named her as Sita?_______.
Answer: 'Sita' in Sanskrit means 'Furrow.' The King Janak named the child 'Sita' because they found the child on the furrow in an agricultural field.

We hope that, you have know something interesting about Ramayana epic. For more riddles, read all our related posts by using the label given below. Comment your opinions in the comments section and share the posts with your friends also...ЁЯШД 


  1. Wonderful riddles❤️ЁЯФеJai shree RamЁЯСгMay Sita Ram be with us✨

  2. Interesting RiddlesЁЯСПЁЯСП

  3. Wonderful riddles ЁЯдйЁЯдйЁЯдйЁЯдйЁЯдйЁЯдйЁЯСН


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