Read our short quotes which leads you to make your life smart

 Read our quotes and refresh yourself to make all your upcoming days smarterЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

(1) "Think well before starting to do anything. But, do not spend all your time only in thinking alone." 

(2) "Some people would spent their time talking about what they are going to do. But, you don't involve in such group of people. Execute your ideas silently and let the success break your silence."

(3) "Try to accept your small problems with beautiful smile in your face. Because, smile is a medicine which helps you to solve your problems by providing you a positive attitude."

(4) "If you want to live in a truthful world, First of all, Be true to you and your environment. "

(5) "If you are not ready to analyse yourself, then, you do not have the right to analyse other's life and other's mistakes."

(6) "If you waste your present time by blaming about your unsuccessful past, then, your karma  will force you to blame your present in your future also." 

(7) "Never try to do good to those who wants to do bad for you. But, it does not mean that, you should do bad to those who thinks bad for you"

(8) "Don't take revenge on the people who cheated you. Because, if you take revenge, you want to cheat the other. Never revenge others and spoil your uniqueness."

(9) "Don't play with other's feelings, especially with the people who trusts you more. Because, feelings and trust can never be built as strong as before if it is broken once."

(10) "Don't blame God for giving failures to you. Because, failures only has the power to show you the true people around you."

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