Read our riddles and know about the districts of TamilNadu

 Read our riddles about the districts of TamilNadu with answers that you can come to know about the speciality of districts of TamilNaduЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

(1) I am the district which is famous for salt and macaroons. I am popularly known by the name "Pearl City." Who am I?_____.

Answer: Tuticorin.

(2)  I am the district which is known as the "Art Capital of South India." I am popularly called as the "Rice Bowl of TamilNadu." Can you guess me?_____.

Answer: Thanjavur.

(3) I am the district which is called as the "Oxford of South India." I am popularly known  for Halwa. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Tirunelveli.

(4) I am the district well known as the city which never sleeps (thoongaa nagram in tamil) and I am popular for Jasmine in TamilNadu. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Madurai.

(5) I am the district who has the nickname, "Detroit of India". Iam the Capital of TamilNadu and I have the world's second longest Marina Beach. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Chennai.

(6) I am the district which is famous for the cuisine named thattu vadai set. I am popularly called as the "Steel city of Tamilnadu." Who am I?_____.

Answer: Salem.

(7) I am the district popularly known as the "City of thousands temples." I am also famous for the highest silk production in tamilnadu. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Kancheepuram.

(8) I am popularly called as the "Yellow city" or "Turmeric city" of TamilNadu. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Erode.

(9) I am the district famous for biriyani. I am also popularly known as the "City of locks and tanneries." Who am I?_____.

Answer: Dindugal.

(10) I am the district famously called as the "Manchester of South India." I am popular for textile production also. Can you guess me?_____.

Answer: Coimbatore. 

Hope that, you had gained some more information about the districts of TamilNadu through our riddles. Share your reactions and comments below. Don't forget to share it with your friends also...ЁЯШД

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  1. ☆I had gained some more information about the districts of TamilNadu through the riddles.
    ☆Very nice riddles!!

  2. I gained a lot of knowledge from such riddles.


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