Read this short story and know about Brahmacharini Maathaa

ЁЯЩП Jai Durga Devi!! ЁЯЩП

Let me start the today's post by praising the Goddess Durga for giving me the opportunity for writing about her. Read down the post fully to know the goddess to whom the second day of navarathri is dedicated for.

The first three days of navarathri are celebrated on behalf of the Lord Durga (Shakthi) and these three days are dedicated to the three forms of Durga. Following the first form of Durga (Shailaputri), the second day is dedicated to the second form of Lord Durga and she is called as Goddess Brahmacharini. 

Now, let us know about the Goddess BrahmachariniЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Navarathri Second Day: Brahmacharini

Second form of Durga- Goddess Brahmacharini

The word 'Brahma' means the holy knowledge and the word 'Charini' refers to the female who pursues it. The word "Brahmacharini" means the female who pursues the holy knowledge.

Brahmacharini devi is the unmarried form (maiden) of Sati who was born in Daksha Prajapati's house. She holds rosary (jeba maalaa) in her right hand and she carries a water utensil (Kamandal) in her left hand. This goddess is seen in a white saree and she is also known as the goddess who did several years of Tapasya (Penance).

The maiden Brahmacharini wanted to marry Lord Shiva and she worshipped
him and followed tapasya towards him for five thousand years. Lord shiva was attracted by her severe penance. But, he thought of examining her by confusing her. So, he disguised himself and went to her. He discouraged her by telling the personalities of Shiva and his weaknesses. But, Brahmacharini did not accept his words. On seeing her true affection, Lord Shiva accepted her as his wife. 

Let us celebrate this day by praising Lord Brahmacharini who is the goddess of knowledge. Let her shower all of us with knowledge.

Brahmacharini Devi ki Jai!!

(To be continued...)

After reading the yesterday's post, we hope that, you all should be aware about the Goddess whom we worship on the first day of Navarathri. Those who don't read the yesterday's post, use the label given below to read it. 

Comment your opinions in the comment box and don't forget to share the story with your friends also...ЁЯШД


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