Know the amazing story about the third avatar of Lord Durga

 Today, let us know the story behind the goddess to whom the third day of Navarathri festival is dedicted for.ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Third day of Navarathiri is dedicated to the third avatar of Lord Durga and she is called as Devi Chandraghantha.

Navarathri Third Day

Devi Chandraghantha (the goddess of courage)

 The word 'Chandra' means 'Moon' and the word 'ghantha' refers to the bell. The word "Chandraghantha" refers to the goddess who has a half moon which resembles the shape of a bell. Chandraghantha is the married form of Lord Durga. 

Story of Chandraghantha:

After losing his first wife (Sati), Lord Shiva was away from all the worldly affairs. He used to involve in deep meditations. He used to reside in the cremation ground and he used to apply ashes all over his body. He was not interested in marrying any other woman.

 But, due to the several years of severe penance of Parvathi, Lord Shiva  was pleased to approach her. Later, he realised that Sati came to him again as Parvathi in her next birth. So, he agreed to marry her.

In this birth, Devi Parvathi's parents were Himavat and Mena. Their awaited marriage day came. Devi Parvathi's parents are very much eager to invite their lovely groom and the groom's guests. Lord Shiva and his guests reached the bride's house.

On Seeing the guests and the groom, Mena and Himavat were scared and shocked. Lord shiva came for his wedding with the frigtening appearance. His body was applied with ashes from the cremation ground. His guests includes the Divine gods as well as Ghosts. Devi Parvathi noticed her parents and she changed her appearance to the golden complexion form. This form is called as Chandraghantha. 

In this avatar, She has ten hands each with a different weapon. She was riding on a tiger and her appearance resembles bravery and courage. Her appearance resembles that she is ready to destroy the evil.

On seeing this beautiful appearance of Parvathi devi, Lord shiva changed himself as a beautiful young man and this appearance of him is called as Lord Kalyana Sundaram. The story ends with the beautiful marriage of the two most beautiful Gods.

So, let us praise Devi Chandraghantha in this auspicious day and let her give us enough courage to destroy the evil powers around us.

Shree Chandraghantha Devi ki Jai!!

(To be continued...)

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