Read Our Amazing Tricky Riddles With Wisest Funny Answers

Read our tricky riddles with wisest funny answers which entertain all your mindsЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

(1) I am a bird and I will become crown if you add a letter to me. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Crow.

(2) I am an alphabet who represents a large line or sequence of people. Who am I?_____.

Answer: The letter Q.

(3) I am the word you use to refer an object's weight as well as the Christian prayer. Can you guess me?_____.

Answer: Mass.

(4) I can fill all the spaces of a room and make it bright. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Light.

(5) I used to run always without waiting for anyone but I do not have legs. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Time.

(6) What kind of coat can never be worn by any of us?_____.

Answer: A coat of Paint.

(7) I can corrode the strongest iron even though I am not strong and alive. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Rust.

(8) Which is the Nation where no one can ever reach?_____.

Answer: Explanation.

(9) I am a colour combination of red and yellow colours and I am also used to refer a fruit category. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Orange.

(10) I have many stories in me and I won't tell it to anyone by my own mouth. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Storybook.

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Hope that you like all our riddles. Do comment in the comments section and share with your friends also...ЁЯШК


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