Amazing Moral Stories which everyone should read surely

 Read our new moral story which is more valuable for everyone ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

Sekar lived with his wife and daughter in Chennai. He worked in a company for 4 years. Observing his good skills and talents, the company had transferred him to the head office which was in Madurai. So he and his family migrated to Madurai. 

His wife had adapted herself to the new lifestyle and environment. But, his daughter was too small to get adapted to her new environment. Naveena was the name of his daughter. Naveena enjoyed her vacation days for a month. Sekar admitted her for sixth standard in a school which was nearer to their house. 

Naveena missed her old school friends and the old environment, she spent her vacation thinking and daydreaming about her new school and new friends. The day which she expected came to her. She went to the new school very excitedly. She sat near a girl who used to answer for the necessary questions alone. Naveena was not happy with her bench mate because she did not talk to her properly. 

She accepted a classmate as her new best friend because she talked to her very nicely. Kamala was her new best friend. She was a character who was very good at talking with strangers also. This character made Naveena to accept her as her friend. They both enjoyed their new friendship for few months.


It was Navarathri occasion. Sthe class teacher had declared about the Navarathri celebrations in their school. Teacher informed the students that this year the golu arrangement responsibility was provided to their class. She also advised to share the responsibilities among themselves. Before leaving the class, she warned everyone not to forget to arrange materials for tomorrow's celebrations.

All the students excitedly accepted to bring cute and superb dolls for arranging in golu. Kamala herself selected the responsibility for bringing the pooja things. The day went on and everyone dispersed to their homes.

The next day, the teacher came to the class and asked the students whether they brought the necessary materials for the golu arrangement and pooja. All the students replied yes except Kamala. Kamala informed her that Naveena took the responsibility of bringing pooja things but, she had forgotten to bring. So, the teacher asked her the money for buying pooja things.

Actually, Naveena had no money in her hands. So she borrowed money from some of her classmates. Her benchmate provided her the half amount and helped her in that situation. But, the girl she thought as her best friend had money for buying snacks from canteen, but she was unwilling to help her.

Naveena felt very upset about choosing her as her friend because she lied to the teacher and not willing to help in her bitter situation. But her bench mate convinced her and tried to make her feel better. This incident made Naveena to understand that We should not judge a book by its cover.

(Written by Subhashree)

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