Enjoy Our New Brainy Riddles with Fantastic Answers

Enjoy our new trending tricky riddles with awesome intelligent answersЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

(1) I am an insect who have butter in the name. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Butterfly.

(2) If I was there, you can not see anything properly with your effective eyes also. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Darkness.

(3) You can destroy me by just sharing me with others. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Secret.

(4) I have a face but cannot smile forever. Who am I?_____.

Answer: A clock.

(5) I have six faces and many dotted spots. Who am I?______.

Answer: A Dice.

(6) I won't cry even if you cut me. But I will revenge you by making you cry if you cut me. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Onion.

(7) I am a fruit who have straw in my name. Can you guess me?_____.

Answer: Strawberry.

(8) To what question, you can never answer 'yes'?_____.

Answer: Are you sleeping now?

(9) I am a labour who works under your footsteps without any salary. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Slippers.

(10) I will die if you call my name. Who am I?_____.

Answer: Silence.

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